Combo-box, dynamic choice - return another value than displayed

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Combo-box, dynamic choice - return another value than displayed

Post by ekwo »

I have a similar issue explained in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1703
I want a drop-down list on a form column that lists fields from one BO dependent on a column value in the current form. Is it possible to List one value and return another value? eks list Description and return ID ?

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Re: Combo-box, dynamic choice - return another value than displayed

Post by Jaymer »

RegularUser BO. This shows the fields and sample data:
Name Jaymer
Initials Jay
DisplayCalc Jaymer (Jay)

The Calculated field is from a Rule Formula.

On a Job screen, the user picks the Salesman using the DisplayCalc field, that displays CHOICES from the user table.
Salesman Picker.png
Salesman Picker.png (34.03 KiB) Viewed 1918 times
Then, this rule fires, to lookup the Record and store the Initials (or ID# in your case).

Code: Select all

If Job.SalesmanDisplay WAS CHANGED  Then 
FIND RegularUser WHERE RegularUser.DisplayCalc = Job.SalesmanDisplay
 Job.SalesmanInit = RegularUser.Initials
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Aware Programming & Consulting - Tampa FL
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