Layout performance question/concern?

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Layout performance question/concern?

Post by hpl123 »

Hi all,
I usually use VP layouts as "pages" of the apps I do and works very well and I am working on a new project where I am using quite a lot of stuff on each layout + the layout is displayed many times over the session of a single user so I am thinking about performance and more specifically how much of a load a layout like this uses + how much it uses over the session of a single user. I know there probably isn´t a clear cut answer to this but hoping support or other users who has done something similar (or have any input on this) can share thoughts.

The core of the app is basically 1 layout where the content shift depending on a active BO instance and the user navigates/drills (BO instance change from user operation and layout is displayed again using DISPLAY LAYOUT) through the layout rapidly many times over 1 session (50+ at a minimum but can be several hundreds of times). The layout consists of:
- 3 static HTML content panels with some tags
- 5 custom query content panels i.e content panels with queries and 4 of the queries have approximately 5 results each and 1 query can have many results, up to 50 results lets say. The custom query basically display some divs with text, style and some icons etc. so no large things like images etc..
- On each layout, the user can open up results from the queries and are various things like normal edit form, open attachments like images from a query result etc. etc..

PS: When switching layouts, no BO rules are executed so it´s basically only changing LoggedInSystemUser.ActiveInstance of a BO and from that active BO, the content of the layout is "drawn".

I am testing the layout with data and is fast enough and working without a hitch. What I am concerned about is building the app like this and then if there are multiple users, the way the app is built doesn´t work performance wise.

Some questions I have:
- Is anyone doing something similar and can share some thoughts on load and performance?
- How much load does a standard custom query "cause" on an AwareIM server?
- How much load does multiple standard custom queries "cause" when loaded at the same time on an AwareIM server?
- How much load does a tag "conversion" in a static HTML panel "cause" on an AwareIM server?
- When switching layouts many times in a row e.g up to 50 times or more, does this affect load/performance in some way? Sometimes it SEEMS like Aware apps are blazingly fast when logging in and then after having worked with the app for some time, it slows down a bit and/but this might be my imagination.
- If the app is working fast etc. for me when I test it on a working server (i.e server with enough hardware, load normal etc.) can I then assume the app will work as fast in production with many users if the infrastructure i.e enough hardware, memory etc. etc. is "enough"? I would think this is the case but throwing this out there to hear thoughts and experience from others.

All thoughts are welcome, thanks in advance.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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