A Big Problem With Printed Docs

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Post by john »


I have just discovered as a further note, the information displayed to users is not even fixed between what is in testing and what is in live.

Whilst I was re-creating this problem in "Testing Mode" I received a call from an Agency at the other end of the country telling me they had attempted to print a Temp form and was presented the information I had just put in. They work in "Live Mode" and I was testing in "Testing". I am definate about this as the info I put in was just gumph:
ghfghg" etc

and this is what she saw, she actually called because she thought the system had crashed!

I was under the impression that the info in the Test DB and the Live DB were totally seperate?

Anyway I wanted to pass this information on as I thought it may help

Thanks again for taking the time to help

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Post by aware_support »

Indeed, there appears to be a bug with HTML documents, whereby a document generated for one user can be overwritten by a document for another user. We will fix it asap.

In the meantime can you use a different type of document as a workaround?
Aware IM Support Team
Posts: 113
Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:48 am
Location: UK

Post by john »


Yes, I have already started to work on using PDF docs instead which appears to be working better although I may get some complaints about the speed it appears better than the alternative and the forms look prettier!!!

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