Suggs? Scheduling tasks on a Win server. SQL. Shell. Aware?

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Suggs? Scheduling tasks on a Win server. SQL. Shell. Aware?

Post by Jaymer »

Looking to see what suggestions you guys have for making all this come together.

I have several types of daily tasks that need to be initiated, and I'm not sure using the Aware scheduler is the best way.
I also have SQL tasks that are needed, which can be put into a SP and Aware can launch them.
Aware can start a DOS Batch file, as long as you "cd \yourpath" as the 1st step,
And I've got a Powershell script that needs to run (it processes text files and starts MS SQL Stored Procs)

Is everyone comfortable just using Aware to schedule all this?
I'm wondering how I will check for errors (if any) and not load bad data in a subsequent step. I feel like I need to get a nightly text msg or something that the nightly processing went OK before I go to bed, so I have time to re-run stuff in case of failure.

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Re: Suggs? Scheduling tasks on a Win server. SQL. Shell. Awa

Post by BenHayat »

I use windows task scheduler for running batches and EXEs that don't require parameters and it always runs.
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Re: Suggs? Scheduling tasks on a Win server. SQL. Shell. Awa

Post by hpl123 »

I use both and I haven´t had any issues when using Aware. With Aware you also get additional logic stuff which is kind of nice so things like send email/sms, log EXECUTION (not result unless you create some way of logging that) etc.. When it comes to reliability i.e has the scheduled rule been executed, you can always do something like that you mentioned i.e SMS or just build in some failsafe e.g multiple rules (if the first fail, run another 1 hour later) etc. etc..

I have thought about moving it all to Aware at some point i.e I see no problems with that.
Henrik (V8 Developer Ed. - Windows)
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Re: Suggs? Scheduling tasks on a Win server. SQL. Shell. Awa

Post by Jaymer »

k, thx

i'm gonna let aware start jobs (native & EXEC_SPs),
then call some batch files.

I can launch Powershell with -FILE and run my script there, no issues.

Just wish when a Scheduler job executes, the Server Output wasn't so "overpowering" - kinda floods the whole thing, compared to other Server Output
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Aware Programming & Consulting - Tampa FL
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