Issue Resolution Example

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Issue Resolution Example

Post by PointsWell »


I am trying to understand how various features of the samples work and one is completely stumping me, the Issue Resolution sample.

One of the Visual Perspectives shows a list of all Issues from a query and beside it a form that is linked to the currently selected issue in the list.

If I look at the visual perspective the first section is being populated by the list from the query, with the output set to be the second column. The second column has nothing specified but the name.

When the page loads the form is always shown, regardless. How do you achieve that as in my trials I have not been able to get the form to show without having a view or edit button added to the list and even then the form does not stay present.

I have checked the select first record in my query but it all seems to be happening by magic in the sample.

Apologies if this is explained or described somewhere - I have searched and can't find any details.


On looking further with the Project Management sample, it seems that there is a way to make the Form generate on selection. In the Project Management example in the VP of Staff User and looking at 'My Tasks' selecting any of the top tasks immediately launches the form. I can't find any process that is controlling the though and I can't find any flags or settings on the controlling Query.
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Re: Issue Resolution Example

Post by aware_support »

Off the top of my head (and I could be wrong). A query in a standard form has a setting called "Select First Record". When this setting is on Aware IM automatically selects the first record shown by the query. Selecting a record results in the execution of a "default" item operation for this query (if one is defined). The query in Issue Resolution most probably has the "Edit" operation defined as default. This operation shows the form of the selected record. Since the output of the content panel where the query is is specified to be the panel on the right, the resulting form is displayed in that panel.
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Re: Issue Resolution Example

Post by PointsWell »

Thank you, that is What I was looking for.
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