Customize Button Text on Auto-Generated Create Form

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Customize Button Text on Auto-Generated Create Form

Post by bkonia »

I would like to be able to customize the text in the buttons that appear on an auto-generated "Create" form.

The reason is that I have a form that creates an email and I added a rule to send the email immediately when the form is submitted. Therefore, instead of having a "Create" button, I would like the button text to be "Send".

I realize this can be accomplished using a custom form, but that seems like way overkill for something this simple.
Brad S Konia
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Post by aware_support »

Thanks for the suggestion. We'll try to implement this in the next version.
Aware IM Support Team
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Post by pbrad »

Just adding my desire for the same functionality. Custom button labels would be great. So would the ability to add a custom button that a process could be assigned to. Even hiding the 'Save' buttons sometimes would be useful.
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Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:44 pm

Post by tford »

I hope to use this function when it's available also -- in coordination wtih System Settings.

I use a lot of System Settings for parameters that will govern the system rather than hard code things. I would love to use System Settings to funnel System Settings info to dynamic button text and/or dynamic attribute labels on a form.

An example of dynamic attribute labels would be if you wanted to allow users to change A/R Aging columns in the System Settings. Let's say the default columns were 0-30, 31-60, 61+. If the user changed those to 0-45,46-90,90+ --> the rules would use those new values in calculating the new A/R columns AND the labels from on the aging columns would be set dynamically.

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