Seems to timeout too soon

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Seems to timeout too soon

Post by kklosson »

SessionTimeout in webapps.props and BASServer.props is set to 7200000, which is two hours. I have a form with lots of narrative and it may take a user a while to complete it before pressing save. I've been getting complaints that for some users, when they press save, the spinner just spins and they have either timed out, lost the session, or some other issue. I have tested this myself and affirmed it. I just did a test where I waited about 40 minutes to save and sure enough, it just spun and never saved. Interested in any thoughts.
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Re: Seems to timeout too soon

Post by kklosson »

Also, I don't quite understand UIProcessTimeout in BASServer.props. From the docs...

The value in milliseconds that determines how long Aware IM will wait for the User Interface operation to provide a reply before suspending the current request (see “Rules and Transactions”).

On my server, this is set to 1800000 (30 minutes). Since it is much shorter in duration, I wonder if this could be causing the issue. I don't quite understand "suspending the current request". In my case, the user is simply updating a data object with a long rest period between opening the form object and sending the save request.
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Re: Seems to timeout too soon

Post by aware_support »

Yes, insufficient setting of the UIProcessTimeout could be the reason for that.

If you have a process that invokes a user interface operation, for example:


Aware IM suspends the process when the ENTER NEW is executed and is waiting for the reply from the user. Obviously this operation times out if the user fails to provide the response. So you need to increase this value if it takes longer for your users to provide a response.
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Re: Seems to timeout too soon

Post by kklosson »

Thanks for confirming. It affirms what I tested.
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Re: Seems to timeout too soon

Post by ACDC »

I am just wondering , if the ui timeout is set to 30 minutes and the user submits at 35 minutes what kind of response is there. I suppose i could run a test myself to find the answer, but is there an orderly shut down of the form or could it be possible the user will be left with a hanging form unable to connect ?
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Re: Seems to timeout too soon

Post by kklosson »

In my case, users would hit the button to save the record and just got the spinner to infinity. In some cases, they reported getting a timeout error which I believe was the actual timeout after the end of the two-hour period because some said they let it run for a long time. Ultimately, the record was not saved and the entered data was lost. Setting the UIProcess to the same 120 minute setting seems to addressed this, so I see no reason why all three timeouts should not be on the same setting.
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Re: Seems to timeout too soon

Post by ACDC »

I think this is going to clear up a number of issues my users have had with non responsive forms and hanging. In my case a user leaves the office and returns 45 minutes later and inadvertently resumes the data capture not remembering that the form should have been refreshed. I have purposely changed the system timeout to 3 hours because of complaints of having to keep on logging in , so this timeout relief has brought on the problem.

The only problem I have with setting the timeout to longer periods i.e. matching the system timeout of 3 hours, is this will leave a number of processes pending and somewhere in the database there is a connection that is been put to sleep, which could lead to other issues.

I am thinking maybe its a good idea not to extend the system timeout longer than 45 -60 minutes and keep all the settings the same
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Re: Seems to timeout too soon

Post by kklosson »

I have trouble following that and understanding your concerns because I still don't fully understand the implications of this setting. But my settings seem to be working for me at the moment.
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Re: Seems to timeout too soon

Post by ACDC »

I note that when setting the Tomcat timeout in the control panel to 60 min it sets webapp.props to SessionTimeout=3600.

So the entry in this file is in minutes and the two entries in basserver.props is in milliseconds ie 3600000
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