About the Conference
The third International Aware IM Developers Conference was held in Providence, Rhode Island, USA from March 31 to April 04 2018.
The event attracted Aware IM developers from all over the world and was a great success.
The days of the conference saw presentations from Aware IM developers that covered various features of Aware IM, such as deploying Aware IM in the Cloud on Linux, making the best use of the SQL Server features in Aware IM, custom queries and using Aware IM as a backend platform. Awaresoft has also presented the newly released version 8.1, as well as described the roadmap of the product for the upcoming releases.
New Aware IM developers enjoyed the “Zero to Hero” classes presented by Mark Bailey where they have been introduced to the Aware IM development methodology.
Proceeds of the Conference
For those who were unable to attend the recent Aware IM Developers International Conference in Bali, the complete contents of the Conference is now available for purchase. The Conference Package is chock full of valuable Aware IM related information that you can use as a reference tool, a learning resource and use in your own applications.
Please note that every session was Recorded and includes essentially 3 days of video. Download size is nearly 8GB of content. Attendees agreed it was the best conference yet and we have had many compliments as to the good balance of content for all levels of Aware IM expertise.
All sessions that involved direct use of Aware IM mainly focuses on Version 8 and 8.1. However, a number of the sessions provide extremely valuable information regardless of the version you are using.
The table below outlines the Package Contents.
For those wishing to purchase the Package, please send an email to [email protected] requesting to receive a Paypal Invoice for the correct Product Code (ie. See below. NP18 or NP181615).
Once you receive and pay the Invoice, a download link will be forwarded to you.
Also, the Content Packages for 2015 and 2016 are also available at a discounted price if purchased with the 2018 Content Package.
For example…
No Previous Purchase
NP18 – 2018 Only – 400 USD
NP16 – 2016 Only – 400 USD
NP15 – 2015 Only – 400 USD
NP181615 – 2018 + 2016 + 2015 – 900 USD
NP1816 – 2018 + 2016 – 700 USD
NP1815 – 2018 + 2015 – 700 USD
Previous Purchase of 2015 and/or 2016
PP18 – 2018 Only – 300 USD
The Audio is much better this year however, Peter Tran’s Presentation was very quite and he is in the process of re-recording it. Once completed, it will be made available to purchasers. There is some audio missing from one of Vlad’s presentations but it was mainly confined to discussion of a presentation and the audio recovered once he started on the important stuff.
All invoice requests will be handled as quickly as possible but depending on time zones, requests will be responded to in less than 24 hours.
Additionally, please note that AwareIMDevelopers.com are the organizers of the Conference Event and are in no way associated with Awaresoft. Awaresoft bears no responsibility for the Conference Event, its organisation, execution, cost or content.
Zero to Hero Beginners Workshop Package
To All Aware IM Beginners,
We are pleased to make available for purchase the contents of the Aware IM Zero to Hero Beginners Training Course that was delivered at the recent Aware IM Developers International Conference in Providence.
Totally recreated for Version 8.1
The contents of the Package (Presentation – 163 pages, Recording incorporating some “live” recording and mostly re-recorded for sound quality and the bsv worked version and bonus material )
The topics covered over the workshop are as follows…
• Sound Database Design (and how it should be properly done in Aware IM – i.e..It is different from traditional database applications and if done correctly can reduce development time substantially and prevent problems further down the track
• Naming conventions for Business Objects, Attributes, Reference Attributes, Queries, Folders and Processes
• Installation and setup of the Aware IM Development environment. What folders contain what and which parts you need to concern yourself with
• Navigating the Configurator
• Application component organisation – What is all that stuff in the Tree for?
• Initial Application design considerations – What app can I create and where do I start?
• Building your Business Objects
• Creating the correct References between Business Objects
• Designing your Create and Edit Forms
• Business Object Rules
• Building Queries. When and How to use them
• Access Levels
• Visual Perspectives for Access Levels and for Layouts
• Processes. Basic thru to complex
• How to Create and Send Emails
• Application Deployment
The Workshop application that you will build by following the workshop is a basic Car Hire application.
When someone visits your site, they are invited to enter the Pickup and Return dates for their hire. They then select a Model of car. You learn how to present only Models that have actual vehicles available during the Hirer’s dates. Once a Model is selected, the Hirer is then directed to enter all of their details… email address, Name, Address, Contact Number and Credit Card Details and they are advised of the daily hire rate and the total cost of the hire.
Once they confirm, the system creates them as a RegularUser on the system, allocates and actual vehicle for those dates and sends them and email and log in credentials so that they can then log back in to manage their booking.
While this sample application sounds trivial, it actually presents some unique and important issues that newcomers to Aware IM come up against. Especially how to carry out particular types of processing in the application purely based on a Guest user.
Once you have completed the Workshop you will have learnt a solid foundation of knowledge required to carry forward into more advanced development and it will provide you with a fast-track to understanding how Aware IM works.
When you purchase the Zero to Hero contents, you will also be entitled to one hour of one on one online assistance from me to help you if you get stuck (at a mutually agreeable time depending on time zones)
For those wishing to purchase the Zero to Hero Beginners Workshop Package, please send an email to [email protected] requesting to receive a Paypal Invoice for the correct Product Code (see Pricing table below).
Once you receive and pay the Invoice, a download link will be forwarded to you.
Workshop Bundle Pricing:
ZTHO18 – 2018 Zero to Hero Beginners Workshop Package Only $400 USD
ZTHCP18 – 2018 Zero to Hero Beginners Workshop + 2018 Conference Package Bundle 700 USD (normally 800 USD)