Exception Publishing Business Space - HELP!

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Exception Publishing Business Space - HELP!

Post by bkonia »

I'm getting an "Exception Publishing Business Space" error when I try to publish. The full error message is:

"Could not prepare entity statement 14 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'BUYPROPERTY_DEALNOTE' because it does not exist.

Prior to publishing, I had deleted/renamed several BO's. The 'DealNote' BO had been deleted. When I published the first time, I got an exception error stating that persistence information did not exist for the BO I had renamed. I was able to work around that error by creating a new instance of the the BO with the original name and then deleting it. However, when I tried to publish the second time, I got the above referenced error pertaining to the DealNote BO.

Apparently, what happened was that Aware IM had successfully dropped the DealNote BO during the first publish attempt, but since the publish failed, the DealNote BO is still in queue to be dropped. This means that database transactions performed during the publish process are non-atomic, but that's a whole separate discussion. Right now, I just need a workaround that will allow me to publish this Business Space.
Brad S Konia
Posts: 7532
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »

Are you publishing for testing? If so, can you try publishing with no initial data?
Aware IM Support Team
Posts: 98
Joined: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:41 am

Post by bkonia »

I was able to resolve this by exporting the business space, deleting it from the server and re-importing it. However, I would suggest that you look into ways to protect against this type of data corruption from happening. I'm not sure exactly what caused it, but as I mentioned, I had renamed and deleted several BO's prior to it occurring.

Additionally, I would suggest that you make the publish process atomic. If data corruption does occur, resulting in an error during publishing, Aware IM should automatically roll back the publish transaction, rather than leaving it in a partially published state and forcing the user to take the extreme measure of deleting and re-creating the entire business space.
Brad S Konia
Posts: 7532
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »

You are right. Since we are speaking technically here the problem is that DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE operations are not transactional in any database systems, which is a huge pain in the neck. Aware IM does all it can to alleviate this unfortunate side effect but sometimes there may be problems like in your case. Fortunately such problems are very rare and we didn't have any major complaints about the so far.
Aware IM Support Team
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