FR - Automatic Refresh Options

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FR - Automatic Refresh Options

Post by PointsWell »

At the moment you can have Queries Visual Perspectives and Forms automatically refresh based on a process running or or the creation of an object. You can also use an implementation method to control how this behaves (e.g. run a process to redraw a query instead of a simple data refresh).

This creates a binary option either data refresh or query redraw.

There are instances where a redraw is necessary - e.g. when you delete data from a query but have a select first record and a default operation running, but there are instances where only a data refresh is necessary - e.g. when you add a new record to the grid.

Given that the redraw of the grid is visually quite busy - it would be less disruptive to be able to choose that add BO works by data refresh but delete occurs with implementation process. (though ideally data refresh should refresh the data and reselect the first record)
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