Mass Delete

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Mass Delete

Post by twhitehurst »

I'm sure this is easy but I'm not getting it? I've imported 167 records into my Customer Object. I need to delete them all and do a new import.

How can I select all records and delete them all at once instead of clicking on delete next to each record?

Thanks for the help
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »

There are two ways to go about it:

1) You can define a query in the Configuration Tool to search for the objects. Then define a Delete operation for this query and make sure to tick "Applies to multiple items" checkbox on the Operation dialog. After you do this the user will see Delete button underneath the query results and he will be able to select multiple items and delete them.


2) Define a process that will delete found objects, for example
Aware IM Support Team
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