Wishlist: picture (logo) in top menu bar

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Wishlist: picture (logo) in top menu bar

Post by RLJB »

To maximise screen real-estate we would like to get rid of our banner and have our menu bar sit flush with the top of the browser. Only thing is we would like to still have a small logo appear in the top left, so it would be nice to be able to:

a) add a picture as an option on the menu bar, and be able to control the width of the item

b) also would be nice to have a feature to set the width of each of the top menu bar button so we could control the spacing of the buttons, currently if the word just happens to be small it gets a small button

c) would also like a "mega menu" option too, where you can have a drop down menu and be able to position menu items in groups and side by side. (This would be especially valuable for our tablet users where real estate is always an issue)

Example of what I mean by a mega menu:

Rod. Aware 8.6 (latest build), Developer Edition, on OS Linux (Ubuntu) using GUI hosted on AWS EC2, MYSQL on AWS RDS
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