Web Form submission via email then?

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Web Form submission via email then?

Post by jclark58 »

Ok I have some existing sites that send form submissions via perl or php scripts that both enter data into MYSQL tables and also send email to alert the recipient to the transaction.

The requirement of a User Session for 'security purposes' seems a little restrictive as I would prefer to simply change the background processing of my existing forms to transparently send the submission to my AwareIM server without disturbing any other setups.

As an alternative would it be possible to collect the formatted data from an email in the form "Fieldname: Data string " and use this to poulate the business object? AwareIM would need to be able to read say a POP email inbox and stimulate the mail server to process the mail...

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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:36 am

Post by aware_support »


The requirement of a User Session for 'security purposes' seems a little restrictive as I would prefer to simply change the background processing of my existing forms to transparently send the submission to my AwareIM server without disturbing any other setups

Yes, you can actually do this by sending a notiifcation to the Aware IM server (this solution is very similar to the e-mail solution - see below). Notifications (including e-mails) do not require sessions.

As an alternative would it be possible to collect the formatted data from an email in the form "Fieldname: Data string " and use this to poulate the business object? AwareIM would need to be able to read say a POP email inbox and stimulate the mail server to process the mail...

Yes, you can do this. Aware IM can handle incoming e-mails with ease and you can define rules to process them. You can use the SET action to process attribute values from the e-mail and set them into business objects.

I actually forgot about the notifications/e-mails alternative, so thanks for reminding me :) ...

Best Regards
Aware IM Support Team
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