If TYPE(LoggedInSystemUser)='STAFF' AND LoggedInSTAFF.Company<>RegistryNumbers.Company Then
READ PROTECT RegistryNumbers FROM CompanyAdmin AND CompanySuport
The issue is that only for 1 BO if this rule is Enabled it does not show any record.
Does anyone faced this issue? Any idea would very helpful .
Thank you
AwareIM , 8.8, 9.0 - MariaDB, Windows Server 2012,2019, 2022 Standard
Tried to modify as you mentioned but strange thing. Inside the query finds 1149 records for the loggedin tenant, but it does not display anything.
Tried to inspect the CSS but not a CSS problem
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AwareIM , 8.8, 9.0 - MariaDB, Windows Server 2012,2019, 2022 Standard