related Business Object design vs separate groups of columns

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related Business Object design vs separate groups of columns

Post by ddumas »

I have an Event Business Object (BO) that has basic attributes like Date, EventType, Topic, Status, Organizer, and Attendees (another related BO).

Depending on the EventType, I will have other attributes that are specific to an EventType. Is it better design (flexibility, but more important, performance) to have separate groups of attributes in a single Event BO, or better to store those EventType specific attributes in separate related BOs? If separate related BOs, those would be peers to the Event BO.

For example, a conference event would have separate attributes than a meeting event. Hopefully I have described this well.

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Re: related Business Object design vs separate groups of col

Post by aware_support »

Hard to say. Design-wise groups of objects are better. However, groups of objects incur some performance penalty when you include business object groups in your queries. Whether this penalty will be significant depends on the queries and how they are used in the system. Some poorly performing queries can be replaced with stored procedures, though.
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Re: related Business Object design vs separate groups of col

Post by ddumas »

Thanks. as a database guy, I will look to using AwareIM with stored procedures. I did not see a video on that, but I will look through the doc.

On that note of stored procs, I see that a BASEVERSION is implemented in the tables. I assume that gets overwritten by the app as necessary, and AwareIM is not creating separate "versioned" records, correct? I would not want to worry about versioning when searching for database records in stored procs.

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Re: related Business Object design vs separate groups of col

Post by aware_support »

Code: Select all

I did not see a video on that, but I will look through the doc.
You need to look up the EXEC_SP action, which can be used both in queries and in business rules.
Also EXEC_SPF function.

Code: Select all

On that note of stored procs, I see that a BASEVERSION is implemented in the tables. I assume that gets overwritten by the app as necessary, and AwareIM is not creating separate "versioned" records, correct? I would not want to worry about versioning when searching for database records in stored procs.
Aware IM Support Team
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