ACDC wrote:What doesn't look so good is the price.
What's so unique about this product that makes it that expensive, is there any machine learning or AI component - highly unlikely
BI can mean a lot of things nowadays, surely one can build something in Aware to serve the purpose of a specific BI project in your application, even though there are limited charts available. I dunno, maybe I don't understand BI in this context.
Tony, you are 100% Correct:
What's so unique about this product that makes it that expensive, is there any machine learning or AI component - highly unlikely
Nothing. Just another reporting and DataViz. Tibco bought them, and suddenly prices went up and to justify that, they now call it BI. The only thing I liked about Jasper compared to other stuff I was looking at, it was designed for developers to embed that into their apps. BUT NOW YOU HAVE TO PAY A LOT OF MONEY.
BI can mean a lot of things nowadays, surely one can build something in Aware to serve the purpose of a specific BI project in your application, even though there are limited charts available. I dunno, maybe I don't understand BI in this context.
And that is my EXACT conclusion. I can build specific queries for my app that can provide meaningful result and called it Ben's BI
So, I'm gonna look at the community edition for reports and then Highcharts for more powerful charting and Aware's query for online query.