Embedding Bitmap image in Aware

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Embedding Bitmap image in Aware

Post by denisv »

I have an application that allows me capture btrmap images such as signatures. These transfer to Access with no difficulty and can be immediately accessed.

I want to know what way Aware handles image files. I am able to create entries in an Aware table direct from this application. I know there are referential issues with this approach and have that under control, but getting image files into the database is a problem. Can you give an direction as to how this can be done. I am aware that there are a DOCTYPE and DOCDATA fields associated with a 'picture' attribute.
Posts: 595
Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:22 am

Post by aware_support2 »

Images stored in attributes of type Picture are displayed on object forms. Images can also be stored in attributes of type Document (like files of any other type). In both cases the user can upload an image via an object form.

Also, images can be uploaded into database by rules (see the process that creates members and items during initialization of Library sample application). Alternatively images can be imported in a hexadecimal format from a CSV file (see the product step in the initialization process of Ordering sample application).
Aware IM Support Team
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