{{tag>Index Glossary Context Instance Type Query Business_Object Notification Process}} ====== Context ====== The context is a working area containing relevant [[glossary:business_object|business objects]] and [[glossary:notification|notifications]] that [[glossary:aware_im|Aware IM]] maintains in the [[glossary:operation_mode|operation mode]] for the purpose of [[glossary:rule_evaluation|rule evaluation]] and displaying of information. The initial content of the context depends on the configuration element. For example, for [[glossary:rule|rules]] attached to a [[glossary:business_object|business object]] the context contains a single [[glossary:object_type_and_object_instance|instance]] of the object when the rules are evaluated. For [[glossary:process|processes]] the initial context is determined by the [[glossary:process_input|process input]]. More objects can be added to the context following execution of [[glossary:action|actions]] that create new business objects or [[glossary:query|retrieve]] them from the [[glossary:object_storage|storage]]. Note that rules do not distinguish between different [[glossary:object_type_and_object_instance|instances]] of objects of the same [[glossary:object_type_and_object_instance|type]]. If there are multiple instances in the context the rule action will be executed on each of the instances. For example, consider the following process: FIND Loan WHERE Loan.DueDate < CURRENT_DATE Loan.State = 'Late' The first rule will find all overdue loans and place them in the context. The second rule will change the state of each loan in the context.