{{tag>Index Glossary Condition Business_Rule Process Query Report}} ===== Condition ===== A condition is an [[glossary:expression|expression]] in the [[glossary:rule_language|rule language]] which result is either true or false. Examples of conditions: Order.State = 'Approved' Account.Holder.Age < 18 Customer.Name IS UNDEFINED LineItem WAS ADDED TO Order.Items Conditions are an essential part of [[glossary:rule|rules]], where they determine when the rule [[glossary:action|actions]] need to be executed, and of [[glossary:query|queries]] where they specify which [[glossary:business_object|business objects]] to find. Conditions are also used for [[glossary:conditional_element|conditional elements]] in [[glossary:report|reports]] and [[glossary:presentation|presentations]] to specify how a particular element should be displayed.