{{tag>Manuals How_To Reports Documents}} [<10>] ====== How to produce and print out a report ====== For the user to be able to produce and print out a report the report layout and the corresponding operation have to be configured. To design a report you have to configure a document template of the Report type (report template) and define its layout using the Report/Presentation Designer (see the “[[docs:2500_config_apps:1300_add_edit_doctemp|Adding/Editing Document Templates]]” section). To get //**Aware IM**// to produce the report so that the user can see it and print it out you can do either of the following: - Define a menu item of the Create Document type (see the “[[docs:2500_config_apps:1500_add_edit_vp:0100_working_with_vp_editor:0500_defining_layout_of_content_panels:1100_setting_menu_item_props|Setting Menu Item Properties]]” section). //**Aware IM**// includes the default menu item of the Create Document type that allows the user to select the report she wants to create among all the report templates defined. Alternatively you can configure your own menu item that will generate the report from your specific report template. When a user selects this menu item in the Operation Mode //**Aware IM**// will generate the report and show it on the screen as PDF document (then it can be printed from the browser). A report created in this manner is not stored in the system and have to be re-created each time. - Define an attribute of the Document type in some business object and set its initial value to the name of your report template (see the “[[docs:2500_config_apps:0700_add_edit_attributes:0700_doc_attrib|Attributes of Document Type]]” section ). Whenever the instance of the business object is created the report will be generated and stored permanently in PDF format as the value of the attribute. The user can bring up the form of the business object and press the View Document button to get the report to be displayed on the screen (then it can be printed from the browser). A report created in this manner gets permanently stored in the system together with the instance of the business object. - Define an operation of the ''Create Document'' type on a form of a business object – see the “[[Adding/Editing Form Operations]]” section. - A report may be generated as part of the process that uses ''[[a_f:a:display_document|DISPLAY DOCUMENT]]'' action. When the action is executed the report is displayed on the screen as PDF document. Note that the action can generate the report from the template as in the first option or display the document already stored as the value of the attribute of the Document type as in the second option.