How to show related records

You can show the values of attributes of the business objects related to a particular business object on the forms or presentations of this object. For example, if a PurchaseOrder object is related to an OrderLineItem object via the multiple relationship you can show which order line items are related to a particular purchase order on the form or presentation of this order.

Aware IM will automatically show the related objects on the object form if you include the reference attribute that represents the relationship in the list of attributes to be displayed on the form. You can control how the related objects will be shown – which attributes of the related objects will be displayed, whether they will be sorted etc. See the “Presentation Options for References” section for details.

Also if an object is related to another object via a single relationship you can display the value of just one attribute of the related object on a form. In order to do this you have to define an attribute of the Shortcut type that will point to a particular attribute of the related object. See the “Setting Properties of Shortcut Attributes” section.

To display attributes of related objects on the query results form you have to define an attribute of the Shortcut type that will point to a particular attribute of the related object (see the “Setting Properties of Shortcut Attributes” section) and include this attribute in the list of attributes to be displayed by a query (see the “Adding/Editing Queries” section).

To display the values of attributes of the related object on a presentation you have to define a sub-presentation element in your presentation. The sub-presentation element must refer to the presentation of the related object and the query of the sub-presentation element must find the related objects, for example:

FIND OrderLineItem WHERE OrderLineItem IN PurchaseOrder.MyLineItems 

See also the “Editing Sub-report/Sub-presentation Element” section.

  • Last modified: 2023/05/09 01:58