Form and Grid Styles

When the Configurator creates a new query or a business object form, Aware IM automatically applies some default settings to the query or form – for example, it adds some default panel operations, a default panel header, turns on filters for the displayed attributes, displays a paging bar and so on. If the Configurator is not happy with some default settings he can manually change them.

However, if he wants most or all of his forms and queries not to have a header, for example, then he would need to do it every single time – for every new query or form. This can become quite tedious. This is where styles can help. Styles allow the Configurator to specify all the default settings for a query or form and then use them for new queries or forms instead of the default factory settings. He can also assign a name to the style and then use a particular style when creating a form or a query. This is very similar to the concept of styles in MS Word, for example.

Styles can be defined by invoking the “Manage Styles” command from the Edit menu. There the user can define styles for queries represented by the standard form or for business object forms. The styles will appear in the editing toolbar of the system and the current style will be used when a new query of form is created. It is also possible to apply a style to an existing query or form by selecting the “Apply Style” command from the burger menu of the corresponding query or form.

For more details about form and grid styles watch this video:

This video tutorial explains how to use form and grid styles in Aware IM.