Table of Contents

Adding/Editing Notifications

The following section describes how to work with the editor of notifications when adding a new notification or editing an existing one. Notifications are described in the Communication with Other Systems section.

The editor of notifications can be started as described in the Working with Configuration Elements section. The following properties should be specified:


Specify the name of the notification uniquely identifying it within the business space version. The following restrictions apply:

  1. The name must start with a character (not digit) or underscore symbol. All other symbols in the name must be either characters (including underscore symbol) or digits. No spaces or special symbols are allowed.
  2. The name must be unique among the names of other business objects, business object groups and notifications.
  3. The name cannot start with one of the instance prefixes – This, That, Added, Removed, LoggedIn or Changed.
  4. The name cannot be one of the reserved names – File, Day, Question, EmailSender, ReceivedEmail, IncomingEmail.
  5. The name cannot be the name of the basic attribute types – Number, Date, Duration, Timestamp, Shortcut, Document or Picture.


Any notification must have at least one attribute defined. Attributes are defined and displayed in the Attributes table of the Attributes tab.

  1. To add a new attribute, click on the icon at the top of the Attributes table. See Adding/Editing Attributes for details how to add attributes of the specific types.
  2. To edit/view an existing attribute select the attribute in the table and change its properties in the Selection Properties window. See Adding/Editing Attributes for details how to edit attributes of the specific types.
  3. To delete an existing attribute click on the attribute you want to delete in the Attributes table and click on the icon at the top of the Attributes table


Specify any text that describes what the notification is for, when it is sent etc. Providing a description is not mandatory but is highly recommended. Any description if defined is included into the generated documentation for the business space version – see Generating Documentation.